Saturday, September 27, 2008

Formula for success

F1 finally in town. After much hype and months of public awareness, the world finally see our nation as more than just a trade hub. MMs' visions are becoming a reality far more than what we can imagine.

Now where can I fit in all this as the big pieces finally come together?

The journey towards that goal of mine now branches out like trees. There's opportunity to go back to further education or to start on that airline career of mine. Either way, Its hard to see myself being unemployed.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Lil' something..

And there you are...

WHENever, WHEREever, WHOever ...

For all the times we've had so far, Thanks for the Memories...

All the ups N downs...

Not to mention ur crappiness-ness(LOL)

Nuff said..


Saturday, September 20, 2008

That's the Way it Is

I can read your mind and I know your story
I see what you're going through
It's an uphill climb, and I'm feeling sorry
But I know it will come to you

Don't surrender 'cause you can win
In this thing called love

When you want it the most there's no easy way out
When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is

When you question me for a simple answer
I don't know what to say, no
But it's plain to see, if you stick together
You're gonna find a way, yeah

So don't surrender 'cause you can win
In this thing called love

When you want it the most there's no easy way out
When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is

When life is empty with no tomorrow
And loneliness starts to call
Baby, don't worry, forget your sorrow'
Cause love's gonna conquer it all, all

When you want it the most there's no easy way out
When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Smoke signals

What I thought would be another routine and mundane day turns out to be.... well.... a day everybody wants to have. Supposedly todays' detail at 4th div was to be like any other detail, But this time when I stepped in the lecture room, Zul n Sazali were sitting at the front of the room, chattting and I noticed I'm the early bird. "So where's Farhan?" I kept telling myself. Usually he's the first to arrive,Its not like him to be late. When I asked Zul what time the participants are coming, he told me dat this whole event might be a smoke. I got confused. "What the hell is a smoke?" then they told me that this is another event which most likely did'nt happen at all. True enough, Fadli who was in the room but went upstairs gave a call to Sazali signalling that this was all a "smoke". Something worth learning today.

So I waited for a couple of minutes, Then Harie came along, also dumbfounded why Farhan was'nt here yet. Hafidz was running late this morning btw. At last around 9.45 am, the man himself arrived. Said something about the bus broke down while doing the "tumbling" effect with his fingers. "So did the bus tumble?" I jokingly asked him. He grinned and said that the bus DID broke down. But without the tumbling. So there we were, Me, Harie,Farhan, Sazali, Zul & Hafidz (Finally came at 10am and told him this event was a smoke. Gave me the 'Im lost' look and had to explain to him) talking about our lives in NS. The good, bad, ugly, fugly and what-nots came out especially the office politics part.

So we just laugh out hearts out knowing that this is a good time to de-stress after weeks of marathon work.

Claimed my 1/2 day today and full day off tomorrow (YAY!!) I can kick bak and relax...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Coming up...

Here's a line-em-up of events which I'm damn looking forward to:

After 1 month of fasting and abstaining from doing 'bad stuff', its time to usher in the new Islamic Year with new resolutions
Finally. An opportunity to expose & test my photography skills. This is where I'll show Monsieur NaDrEs what Im capable of. I'm ready. ARE YOU???
Da Next OIC for CEPP
I have the power. But it comes with Responsibility. Here I go Again
Means three things: O-R-D OH!!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Its funny how you got answers to the questions you ask and through prayers. But to me this is more then just miracles, I see it like a path being cleared the way for me.

In light of recent events regarding the relationship status of two of my best friends, I suddenly realized that all those advices and constant reminders from my parents all came true. What I did'nt expect was that it had to happen to our circle.

It must've been devastating to have a four-year relationship to crash and burn just as things are starting to look bright. SHE started seeing someone else and questioning the current BF about their integrity together, while HE still cares and loves for her. In the end Allah SWT always have a master plan. On another scene, THIER relationship initially blossomed with full green-ness. But again communication and understanding issues rained down on THEM as they cant get into terms with each other. So now they gave themselves time-off to reflect on their past actions.

As for me I've always wanted to experience the joys of relationship and prayed that I'd found the significant other but after seeing all this series of unfortunate events, Its time to find a new path. Like I mentioned, Allahs' Master Plan. It take it its not the time for me yet.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Week two of the fasting month. Time does fly when you're having fun. Well, in this case having fun with my friends. In two weeks we'll be celebrating the Islamic new year, an annual event not to be missed.

But what will be missed will be my senior instructors. Seems just like yesterday I came into the branch and now me and the rest of the juniors are taking over the act. Who can forget the fun-loving, dysfunctional misfits? Soon it will be my turn to run the last lap.

Today marks the 7th Annivarsay of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the US. We remember the Men and Women who perished on that day of infamy. And we watched, heard and felt the magnitude of that event that sent shockwaves around the globe and plunged humanity into its' darkest hour. Prayers to all the lives that were lost on that day.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Its been one week since the fasting month starts and few weeks ago, my body feels like its self-adapted to the wake-up-damn-early and break fast-after-seven routine. In between (daytime) life goes on as normal and pray 5 times daily. (Yes I know its no excuse even though we're in this thing called NS).

TODAY - 06/09/08
Morning. Work as usual. yep. CEPP. Practically this entire month I'll be marathon-ing (again). Can't believe we had 3 straight days of St Johns Amb Brigade coming to 4th div for their basic course. Glad that we only had to go through First aid with them then chow off. CDAU peeps taking over the show after dat.
Afternoon. collapsed on my nice comfy bed. lost conciousness 5 min l8r n dozed off till 3pm.
Later dat evening. Went out with the family to Geylang to shop around for Aidilfitri. I think ya'll noe the situation there every year so I wont elaborate. Got me nice (& damn cheap) clothing this year. with quality somemore! (clothes are from A.Niz fashion btw..) Then we practically raided Raja Kuih at the Tg katong side scouting around for nice cookies. No we're not baking tarts or cookies due to our hectic schedule. (but that does'nt stop me from attempting one..provided my off days still full..hahaha) At the same time buy some snacks since its already 1845 hrs!!
To think we could make home in time to break fast, Suddenly in the middle of ECP inside my dads' van: "Allah hu Akhbar!, Allah hu Akhbar!" I looked at my watch: "god its 705 pm!!"
yeap, its fast food..literally.
Made a detour to Harbourfront to have our REAL dinner. Den head back home. Was raining heavily btw.
Tomorrow. deja vu all over again.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

My Favourite Toy...

Guess what I got myself at the recent COMEX @ Suntec?? Give up?

If ya'll been following my last few entries, you might have figured out what I've been needing the most.

After this whole time, the wait is finally over. My photography dreams can now come true. It was a tough choice between Canon, Nikon & Sony since these three have been the hottest selling brands here in Singapore. In the end I bought a SONY ALPHA A200. Reason?
1) Its affordable (e price went down e last time I checked)
2) The body has built-in stabilzer unlike Nikon which has VR in its lenses.
3) FREEBIES!!! (Dry cabinet, cleaning appratus, camera bag, 2x4GB CF cards, filter lens..) what more can I ask?? @ least I got the basics...

Monday, September 01, 2008

30 days...

Ramadhan has arrived n greeted us muslims once again. Annual practice carried out by every muslim individual who are sound n well.

With the first day passed by, I had to make minor adjustments to the daily hum-drum which I've been doing this whole while. Wake up EARLY2 in the morning, abstaining the hunger n thirst (n not forgetting keeping the soul in "inner peace") followed by the break of the fast at dusk. My night-time routine usually follows with the Terawih prayers at Masjidul Hasanah. And the cycle goes on and on for the next 29 days.