Thursday, September 11, 2008

Week two of the fasting month. Time does fly when you're having fun. Well, in this case having fun with my friends. In two weeks we'll be celebrating the Islamic new year, an annual event not to be missed.

But what will be missed will be my senior instructors. Seems just like yesterday I came into the branch and now me and the rest of the juniors are taking over the act. Who can forget the fun-loving, dysfunctional misfits? Soon it will be my turn to run the last lap.

Today marks the 7th Annivarsay of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the US. We remember the Men and Women who perished on that day of infamy. And we watched, heard and felt the magnitude of that event that sent shockwaves around the globe and plunged humanity into its' darkest hour. Prayers to all the lives that were lost on that day.

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