Saturday, September 06, 2008

Its been one week since the fasting month starts and few weeks ago, my body feels like its self-adapted to the wake-up-damn-early and break fast-after-seven routine. In between (daytime) life goes on as normal and pray 5 times daily. (Yes I know its no excuse even though we're in this thing called NS).

TODAY - 06/09/08
Morning. Work as usual. yep. CEPP. Practically this entire month I'll be marathon-ing (again). Can't believe we had 3 straight days of St Johns Amb Brigade coming to 4th div for their basic course. Glad that we only had to go through First aid with them then chow off. CDAU peeps taking over the show after dat.
Afternoon. collapsed on my nice comfy bed. lost conciousness 5 min l8r n dozed off till 3pm.
Later dat evening. Went out with the family to Geylang to shop around for Aidilfitri. I think ya'll noe the situation there every year so I wont elaborate. Got me nice (& damn cheap) clothing this year. with quality somemore! (clothes are from A.Niz fashion btw..) Then we practically raided Raja Kuih at the Tg katong side scouting around for nice cookies. No we're not baking tarts or cookies due to our hectic schedule. (but that does'nt stop me from attempting one..provided my off days still full..hahaha) At the same time buy some snacks since its already 1845 hrs!!
To think we could make home in time to break fast, Suddenly in the middle of ECP inside my dads' van: "Allah hu Akhbar!, Allah hu Akhbar!" I looked at my watch: "god its 705 pm!!"
yeap, its fast food..literally.
Made a detour to Harbourfront to have our REAL dinner. Den head back home. Was raining heavily btw.
Tomorrow. deja vu all over again.

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