Thursday, September 18, 2008

Smoke signals

What I thought would be another routine and mundane day turns out to be.... well.... a day everybody wants to have. Supposedly todays' detail at 4th div was to be like any other detail, But this time when I stepped in the lecture room, Zul n Sazali were sitting at the front of the room, chattting and I noticed I'm the early bird. "So where's Farhan?" I kept telling myself. Usually he's the first to arrive,Its not like him to be late. When I asked Zul what time the participants are coming, he told me dat this whole event might be a smoke. I got confused. "What the hell is a smoke?" then they told me that this is another event which most likely did'nt happen at all. True enough, Fadli who was in the room but went upstairs gave a call to Sazali signalling that this was all a "smoke". Something worth learning today.

So I waited for a couple of minutes, Then Harie came along, also dumbfounded why Farhan was'nt here yet. Hafidz was running late this morning btw. At last around 9.45 am, the man himself arrived. Said something about the bus broke down while doing the "tumbling" effect with his fingers. "So did the bus tumble?" I jokingly asked him. He grinned and said that the bus DID broke down. But without the tumbling. So there we were, Me, Harie,Farhan, Sazali, Zul & Hafidz (Finally came at 10am and told him this event was a smoke. Gave me the 'Im lost' look and had to explain to him) talking about our lives in NS. The good, bad, ugly, fugly and what-nots came out especially the office politics part.

So we just laugh out hearts out knowing that this is a good time to de-stress after weeks of marathon work.

Claimed my 1/2 day today and full day off tomorrow (YAY!!) I can kick bak and relax...

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