Monday, August 11, 2008

:: Shine for Singapore ::

43 years of Independence. Our young and vibrant Nation standing tall. A Big Celebration.

That saturday morning of 9 August will always be etched on every Singaporeans' mind. Its a day where no matter who you are, you're part of a festivity which has been raving on for the past few weeks. On that day itself, everywhere I turn, its a shade of RED & WHITE. Talk about painting the town red. Even the pinks look red, hehehe

Me and the rest of the CD contingent on the other hand, we're all getting busy preparing ourselves for the parade later that evening. Even though we went through alot to make this day happen, we can't forget all the fun times and memories during the training & rehearsals.

Then the moment came. At 1745 hrs Marina Bay went live on tv for the nation and the world to see. This year mother nature tested our perseverance with grey skies, thunderous echoes and drizzling rain from the heavens. But that does'nt dampen our spirits. We take it as a part of the show, some 'special effects' to make it "happening".

So when we marched into the Marina Bay platform, we bring nothing but joy and satisfaction telling us and the people that we have made it this far and its all paid off. Our faces, the participants and even the spectators themselves were showcased on tv. After the contingents formed up the "NDP 08" the whole audience applauded for us. Its hard for us NOT to smile. :D

Afterwards, the party still continue back at the FUP. We were given a toast to a job well done. I tell you every marching contingent that passed by us were cheered on, we went hysterical. Something that we all need after all that effort.

Although the whole celebration is over, I keep telling myself: "There will always be next year.."



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