Monday, August 18, 2008

LePaKz DaYz...

2dae was'nt so bad. @ least I get to enjoy my personal time now dat NDP is over. But still life goes on and for my case, CEPP duties are back on track.


Got detail in e evening. Wat da Heaven, and its at some workers dorm in woodlands some more. Turns out to be an event organised by MOM n we're there to support. Had to stay there till 10+ pm. The crowd mainly consists of foreigners from India, China, Filipino AND Bangladeshi to complete the "meriahness-ness"


wide awake ( and 1/2 sleepy ) @ 8am. Another detail at 4th div. This time filipino maids. M1 & M2 as usual. Henry n Farhan running the show. Zul was losing conciousness. Wonder how he ride bike with dat state?? coz he was wif me y'dae @ wdlands. done n over by 12pm. THEN THE SKIES TURN GREY AND IT STARTED TO RAIN

Dats it la, so much for my sentosa plan wif my frens. Da lah last wk cancelled coz mus had to replace someone for guard duty. plan scrapped. But not today!!!

Plan goes on as normal. I've noticed that there are ppl who love to go to the beach during rainy days. of coz it was'nt a downpour, just the on/off type of rain.

later dat evening, we all head back to vivo for dinner. And supposedly a movie but did'nt happen coz nothing good was on. We're waiting for WALL.E & STAR WARS CLONE WARS !!! if possible, marathon both!!! yes...

As for dinner we had BK. Got our own stuff n addition we bought a QUADRUPLE WHOPPER. yes people you see n read dat correctly. FOUR PATTIES from the usual doubles. I tell you, very da satisfying. And we want to break the record of EIGHT PATTIES on a WHOPPER soon. giler la anak2 nie...

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