Saturday, August 23, 2008

What I've been waiting...

Looking forward to another free-time day. Went to marina together wif Nad, Lim n Mizi. Supposedly a bigger group, but plans dont always turn right. Anyway we're there for a purpose, to catch e FIREWORKS FESTIVAL!!! something I've been looking forward to these past few weeks. VERY3 nice display from the France Team coupled with french background music, makes me feel like im in Paris...

BUT, I cant get enough of fireworks!!! GIMME2 MORE!!! and 2mrw I shall have.. for its the KOREAN team to display their stuff. Can't wait!!! and furthermore, I NID A BLOODY DSLR!!! my A400 isn't doing justice. most of e pics came out in an 'artistic' form... nonetheless, I WILL GET MY HANDS ON A QUALITY DSLR!!!

& I cant wait for 2mrw nites fireworks...

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