Tuesday, August 05, 2008

A value worth more then gold...

I am totally beat out... Y'dae I was running arnd camp lending my helping hand. End result got me drained of energy. Reach home and immediately went flat. Something which has'nt happened to me for a long time.

Sat, 02/08/08. NDP Preview.

Somehow I still dun feel like its enough for me. What seems to be a dream is finally becoming a reality for me. And to achieve one of your goals in life feels like its all worth the sweat, time and hardwork you put into it. In this case, to be a part of NDP.

When I thought I'd get another chance at NDP, my mindset was that we'd be on standby since my background job as a medic and all. But never I-M-A-G-I-N-E-D-ED I could wind up being part of a MARCHING CONTINGENT. Practically every die-hard patriots' dream to be part of.

What's rewarding is that I get to meet new (& old) people from different div, make new frenz and most importantly enjoy my time during the gruelling rehearsals with the rest of the gang from CDA (Ya'll noe who you are if you're reading this...) Without you guys, my weekends could've bore me to death. Big2 HOLLA & TKU to YOU who have made it possible.

But All Good Things Must Come to End. Even though we're THREE days away from the actual show itself, I'm glad that I've made this journey with all of you. It's things like these which are worth more than gold.

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