Friday, July 25, 2008

Sun's not shining 2dae...(coz I am)

Its been a gloomy & cloudy weather these past few days. @ least we're spared from the heatwave which has been scorching our island (and us) over the last mth. I love this kind of environment. Makes my mind @ ease.

Downside is, cold/flu season is back in usual. So here I am sniffing away while posting this...damn.

2mrw there's no ndp rehearsal. Good. After 3 whole weeks of NE shows, its about time we all have a break. Preview & Actual comin up nx wk btw. So for the time being, im contemplating on what n how to maximise my weekends. (hmm?? Ideas, ani1?) Im spoilt for choice nw... movie? photoshoot? LePaKzZz?

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