Tuesday, July 29, 2008

For the love of Duty...

Im all beat out. Had to push myself through tuesday after doin SWIFT duty last night. I've been doing alot of duties lately. This is my third (n not to mention e other times where I'd stay over wif my other office peeps who are on duty dat dae).

No choice la, coz Osman was down and out with sickness n had to take MC. And yours truly had to cover for him. @ least I got the 1/2 day off.

SWIFT duties can be fun if u manage to round up a handful of ppl to stay over with you. Its kinda like a slumber party but NS style. Things like these will make your life in NS less stressful. Me on the other hand, I got my new junior Lukman as understudy to stay over with me. Im not too worried about him, just to over see him and guide him through the whole duty procedure and im surprised that he's oredi on e roll. Considering its his 1st duty. Wth, THE GUY IS A NURSING STUDENT WITH HOSPITAL EXPERIENCE. Medical Ctr would'nt be a prob for him.

So, no worries for moi.

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