Monday, December 17, 2007

Wet winter...

Its dat time again... no no im tn talkin abt christmas or whateva holiday season dis is. Rainy season kicks back in wif full force (as usual) i take it if our earth dips 45 deg in angle we might just have snowy weather here. 2 least we wont be wet but think of all da fun we cn have in dat white landscape!!!! (e.g, snowboarding, skiing, snowmobiles and Ice skating!!!)

speaking of landscapes, I had just return frm my trip to Dhaka (Bangladesh, btw) for a change in scenery. Cleared all my leave for two wks for this trip. hahahahahaha.

Dun expect much from this 3rd-world country. If u crave n live for the highlife or luxury, you wld wanna give dis place a miss coz @ 4 stars thats thier leel of luxury dey have there. And mind you, they're nt poor either. They've got tons of resources to rely on. Put it dis way, if MM LKY we to revamp dat nation into ours, they're gonna be as gd as we are. (PsSt!!! photos r out on my friendster!!!)

Once again, another country ventured n 10% of the world explored. Not a massive achievement but its a start, 90% is just a number.

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