Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Startin' over....


I seriously HOPE there'll b no more problems wif dis one. Recently trashed my Friendster blog a/c, simply coz I CANT VIEW MY POSTS!!!

so I'll juz stick to then (slamat aku bukak a/c nie)

So much more reliable. And on wif e day....


1) Now in NS
2) Full-time Medical Personnel
3) Posted to external instructor

Pretty colourful isn't it?

nt quite e option I had in mind when dey read out e posting, but hey dis ain't burger king.
Funny how I gt picked out frm e crowd to join e "elite" bunch. Did'nt pen down my name either in e 1st place. Next thing y'noe you're an instructor teachin e public e do's n dont's during an emergency.

So far everything is on a smooth pace. Of course, wif ur seniors arnd u tend to 'rilek one corner' and LLW (look, listen, watch) while dey do a one-man show up front. hehez.

Won't be long b4 I run my own show. Solo act somemore. On e plus side, @ least I dun hav to be in camp all e time, wakakaka!!

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