Saturday, July 28, 2007

e not-so-super sat episode ...


Datz hw I'd describe e dae so far. Of course, if you plan it all out n e execution was picture perfect, it'll b more den juz a super dae rite??

and e dae goes like dis:

Had to wake up early 2dae coz I have CEPP @ 3rd div. Practically DRAGGED myself out of dreamland while outside e cool and calming sat morning breeze hypnotizes me to pull e covers ... waaaahhhhh buay tahan leh ....

STILL, gotta job to do ( 4 da love of e nation) got myself ready n dressed n outta e hse by 7 to yishun. Long trip as usual ...

Arrived @ 3rd div stn abt 5 mins b4 8:30. whew. made it juz in time. tot I was late for a moment. At e guardhse I told e guyz dat im conductin a lesson 2dae. Guess wat, NONE of dem knew e daes events.
Oh sure, thnks ah eh, u juz made my dae *grumblez*
and I had to wait while dey called e PAB guys. On e wae dey said (more wait) *haizz*

Den a wif a slight miracle, e senior oraganizer drove in. "arrh thnk god hez here!!" @ least Im nt alone. da PAB guys dropped in arnd 9:30. so much 4 being early, I told dem. but dats gonna b e least of my prblms.

Supposedly, e event was cancelled but e PSA folks sent out 10 of thier ppl to "juz show face onli" for e dae. 9:45 n all we get was dead silence. No calls, no nothin'. Called e guardhse to check if dere's any of e PSA visitors. Nothin. WTF.

After dat moment, everyone packed up n left. As 4 me I made my wae to BB to mit up wif yanto n e gang. @ least dey're doin SOMETHIN @ 4th div. gotta hand over my shoes to e guy. kasut dier kene curi kt office. toyol maner tah nk sangat ngan kasut dier. dah kemarut kot??
Turns out nobody wanna go out. (wld b fun watchin simpsons 2gether) Ratz. dere goes my plans.

reached home n all i cld tink of was ZzZZz. e short snooze cost me a 5 hrs. @ least im well rested.

went out to vivo wif e family in e evening (as usual jln2 mcm takde tempat lagik nak pegi)
Managed to catch e NDP preview firewerks display (yaaaY!!) but onli e fraction of e view. damn, y did'nt I make my wae down to esplanade??? cld hav a better view. n camwhor-ing as well!! :D

some sat. hmmm....

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