Thursday, December 31, 2009

Over a year ago...

... I settled on a plan to start my life. There has'nt been a single day during my NS years that I've been looking forward to my bright future. When the day finally came, I was overwhelmed with happiness and sped on with my plans.


Grey skies formed. Gradually, darker. I told myself its now or never. No point turning back on what's going to be a tumultuous year for me. As I sailed through, the storm grew with every distance. I was doing my best not to let it fly apart. Keeping it together, I just had to make it.

As time passes by, the storm tried to tear everything apart. Cracks were forming. I was on the edge of drowning and sinking into the depths.


Does'nt matter how the storm rages, I keep on pulling myself not to give it up despite the odds.

Yet, in the midst of it all, There's beacons of light streaming through the dark clouds. A reminder that there's light at the end of the tunnel. In this case, it shines the way to the other side, while the storm still rages on all sides.

Now that I've weathered the odds, Bruised n battered by the torrent, I have reached the other side of the journey. The destination is within reach from where I am.

I will get there.

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