Thursday, January 15, 2009

Of friends and Colleagues

You hate em' but you can't live w/o em. In every way they are in a part of your lives. In this case, mine. Through the years of socializing and meeting people, have somewhat evolved into this bond which I find it hard to separate myself from. Time and again they come and they go. And some of them left with an imprint of themselves upon me, a reminder not to forget them as time passes by, knowing that in time it will fade away.

Among these people, there are those "special" few where you see them as they are, value them for their existence, knowing that if you lose them, finding another will be near-impossible. As for me I've grown attached to them even to the extent of emotional attachment. For these lot, they're becoming part of my personal family. And I'll never abandon or sever ties with them.

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