Monday, October 13, 2008

Brownie Mania-c

Yesterday I went over to my friend Aufas' open house. Typical buffet style with all-you-can eat lineup but with a little twist: HE COOK MOST OF THE DISHES HIMSELF. Nope, mom was'nt inc in all this. He's the man of the day n with everyone labelling him "Chef Wan" lol.

The one thing that made this open house different from the rest that I've been to is the food. My god, its like eating hotel standard. And there's this zasparella (I think thats wats it called) salad item which is DAMN NICE LOR.
Then there's the brownies. One word: Heaven. There were two types, The walnut filling (which shoots me up to space) n ALL CHOCOLATE WITH A THICK SLAB OF CHOCOLATE ON TOP (which sends me to hyperspace) damn, I cant explain more... I let the pix do all the talking....

The deco...

Puffs, Kuihs n BrOwN!EzZ

The dessert from heaven (Top left: Walnut Brownie Top right: All Chocolate Brownie)

Im enjoying it so much that I did'nt notice the camera snapping at me

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