Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Had dis urge to stay behind after werk. Dunno wat came over me, of course if it was'nt for yanto who asked whether to stay in wif osman n yahya. and all bcoz wayne jr had SWIFT duty last nite.

Come to think of it, its kinda fun being away frm home once a while. Ironically, during recruit time all I cld think of was home!!! hahaha!!

So all we do was to watch "Freedom Writers" n "No 23" 2 e spacious CPR room. Nt exactly Gold class seating but u get e idea.


As normal, routine lessons according to allocations. 2dae 25th ERS doin CPR. Me teaching baby cpr methods followed by theory n practical. as usual, half of e lot started dozing off. lucky 4 dem dey managed to pull it through.

A "strappy" situation

Later dat afternoon, went out to 4th div for CEPP. Finally going solo, frm dis mth onwards. Arrived damn early (b dere b4 3 but came arnd 1:45) see? kilat somemore lah... gotta wait 2 damn hrs in e freezing PAB office. fell asleep most of e time. (even now) Gotta keep awake when e shatec peepz drop by. When its time to start e session, Horrors of horrors, NO PPT SLIDES!!! (coz e lecture rm keyz ran off wif some1) n had to settle on CPR rm instead. So I improvised my first aid lesson wif all e knowledge I had ( even tho' it was a bit aimless @ one one point) but everyone enjoyed e fun-filled session so I called it a day.

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