Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The straight road keeps changing

recently I had the intention to leave school, find a stable job and move on with life. If I were to tell you what my exact plans are (of which some has oredi known) you would most likely to say either "That's what you should be doing now!!" or " Go ahead, no one's stopping you. Its a good decision anyway" OR "Why are you wasting time??"

All this was going to be decided by me. I shall not arrow to anyone else. Go ahead, call me selfish.

Till my parents came in n tell me to think things over and reconsider on my intentions before being put into action. Then they second guessed me. Finally they told me to abandon the idea for it might jeopardise my future. Even my lecturers at school backed them up and even persuaded me to stay on with school. Only god knows how my anger level keeps shooting beyond limit.

A better future to re-do my ITE again, diff course this time OR working to sustain and save up for my pte diploma, just like my intial intentions.

I have no choice but to go through ITE again. What I thought was a blessing (and I pray it still does) turns out to be something else which I overlooked.