Friday, June 30, 2006

Shot at Kypton...

Typical Fridays. Went for ma prayers, frenz were unusually late, ( dunno wat gt into dem...) and meetin up wif ma old classmate to catch Superman Returns. All over e media, tabloids n even our Daily Planet, they're singin praises on this movies' promotion, insistin to the public dat this is another HOT HOT HOT movie of e mth ( and e actor too...)

Caught the 15:50 show at JP, itz our fav haunt. As for the movie, hmm... there's pretty good punchlines dat even supes cant throw, lotz of flyin' in dis movie (dey shld give capes to e audience) but so far the plot's pretty clean. Definetly an A-list family movie. Dis shows that even aliens know how to touch people's hearts. :D