Tuesday, April 26, 2005

A Time 2 Change

Monday, stardate 2504.05

Man im startin 2 sound like Cap'n Picard. Too much sci-fi i guez. Anyways, my day turn out pretty darn fine. Too fine. I came in early 2 skool 4 me ETP lecture. Ms Jenne Foo will always b down at precisely 0815 hrs to open up da LT. but 2dae, things dun go 2 plan. damn, dun let it b Monday blues again!! Im really lookin forward 2 da wk!

For da nxt 45 mins, I was there, sittin on da bench wif a few other students n a guy workin on his laptop. To ease my boredom, Ipopped in my headphones n played my Evanescence, Avril n Hoobastank wonderin wen will b da day I join S'pore Idol..(:P) waitin.

Den my patience ran out, knowin dat after half an hr of waitin 4 da door to open n swallow da students 4 breakfast ain't gonna happen, i immediately packed me bag n head 4 da canteen for a delight ful 2nd breakfast gd thin ma frenz are there or else i'll b in boredom again. It was den RQ told me dat there's no lecture dis mornin. (DAMN!! Y!! Y!! DID I MIZ 3 DAYS OF SKOOL!!)

Lessons as per normal. did my CMB CA. tripped over my lines juz wen i tot i got it rite. well, at least i did'nt look at da cards in my hand(honesty beb!) during lunch, returned my blazer 2 SC rm wif a handful of ppl waitin in line 2 return. gd thing i was there 2 help out.
Continued lessons wif Mr chin. finished off my presentation wen i did'nt noe wat im presenting (HR stuff, u dun wannna noe) as a last phase of our project. at least i did'nt suck @ it. haha! :)

Den da moment of truth beckons. I walked into da SC rm, edmund n da other EX excos playing 'hit da bowlin pins' baseball style. Ed was swingin da stick arnd like a madman while nearly slicing my head off. no wonder da gang got cornered up at da side of da rm. finally, it happened. the EX excos handing over their responsiblilities n jobs dat hav suffocated dem 4 da past yr, now itz our turn. They explained to us the importance of their job to the college, student body n da whole of ITE(i believe). Den we were made to sign the 'declaration' letter as proof dat we're really committed. Itz startinn2 look like R.O.M oredi(lolx!) Haiz.. wat 2 do? u wan it? u got it.

lucky me, i did'nt regret. :)

Monday, April 25, 2005

The ego has landed..

Ah, sundays. Da time 4 evry1 to chill out, unwind, relax or just plain slackin. but not me, i still got loads to do. frontpage project halfway, my CMB role play is still at 1%. how am i supposed to keep up wif my life if they keep crammin us wif work?

nonetheless, I can still manage my own time wisely, even when its bearing me down.

I think im goin to enjoy dis..